Nutergia ERGYOSTEO provides up to 100% of the Nutritional Reference Values in vitamin D3 , which is in fact an organic substance that is particularly useful for good bone function , especially in cases of:
- First, deficiencies linked to a too rapid development of the bones
- Second, fragile bones following trauma or aging
However, ingredients of this product are:
Besides, each intake of this food supplement reveals its effectiveness thanks to the contributions in:
- Calcium, which as well, maintains bone strength
- Also, zinc, which regulates also the level of acidity in the blood
- Moreover, vitamins C, D3 and E, which allow minerals to proper assimilation
In addition to a balanced diet, the nutrients in the product help also restore bone strength and mobility , and even limit structural pain in the human body.
So, how to use Nutergia ERGYOSTEO?
Take two capsules during meals, with a glass of water. But, be careful not to exceed the necessary daily dose and to adopt a balanced diet during the treatment. Besides, the food supplement Ergyosteo fills the deficiencies in nutrients essential to the maintenance of the organism and also to the good functioning of the bones, to limit even bone pain and facilitate mobility.
This food supplement does not replace a balanced diet or the practice of regular physical activity. Still, do not exceed the dosages necessary by the brand. This supplement has no side effects reported by the brand.
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